Allegra Salvoni
My coaching principles
Connecting to you through deep embodied listening.
The essence of how I work...
The foundations.
We set the foundations for the work by getting really clear about what you want and agreeing on how we're going to help you achieve it.
This is where we design the approach by crystallising the vision you have for your outcome and getting really clear about what needs to happen - no matter what.
Raising Awareness
Clearing the space.
Awareness is the foundation for change. Once we acknowledge and accept what is true for us, NOW, change happens.
I work EXPLICITLY with any judgements and assumptions we both may have about the work, where you want to and who you want to be - and we clear them.
Once we have cleared, we set an intention for the arc of our journey.
Intentions help to focus the mind and our energies on a particular outcome - consciously and unconsciously driving us towards the desired result.
Shifting realities.
We will use visualisation, daily practice, embodied process, movement and experiential exercises to explore your creative self-relationship dynamic.
Sometimes (often) we need to bypass the mind to experience the wisdom beneath. We so often forget that our body is our access point.
Movement of any kind creates change in perspective, feelings and position and wisdom emerges from within that is, at its essence, true to you.
Zooming out
Change perspective.
Zooming out gives us perspective. And it is another way of reconnecting to source. We often label, judge, reject and negate - or even glorify and elevate - for the sake of our self-preservation. But in doing so, we stop connecting from our inner wisdom and we block access to what supports us.
By zooming out we can see things from a place of compassion and humanity - we are able to consider things from a place of non-judgement. It normalises and removes the burden of things becoming personal - of making them (or us) 'wrong'.
Checking in
No assumptions.
A vital part of any healthy relationship is the ability to check in, hear the other and be heard.
To make sure we stay on track with both our relationship and our designed alliance, we'll be checking in regularly on how we are doing and clearing any assumptions that may have crept up on us. Checking in is a great way to avoid putting words in each other's mouth, assuming we know what's going on and jumping to conclusions.
Creating solid ground.
This is probably one of the most important pieces of work.
Boundary is the safe containment of ourselves in relationship with the 'other' - knowing what we want and how to ask for it, leaning in and trusting without losing ourselves, knowing when to say yes, or no and how to hold fast in the face of what might crumble us. Listening to our inner voice and learning how to acknowledge it, without fear or reactivity, but staying and learning from what it has to tell us. And then in choicefulness, to act.
This is the place where our boundaries live and where they hold true. And how we manifest them is also part of the work: to acknowledge the other as fellow humans with all the complexity that brings.
'Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.'
~ Carl Jung
Copyright Allegra Salvoni 2023
Headshot by Bronac McNeill Photography